Thursday, February 21, 2008

Je suis malade

(I'm sick) (Estou doente)

Farmacéutica 1: Bonjour, Mademoiselle!

Je: Good Morning. I don’t speak French? Do you speak English?

Farmacéutica 1: Un petit pou

Je: I’m sick. I think I caught a cold. I guess you can see it…

Farmacéutica 1: Yes, I can! And your (gesto a indicar a garganta)?

Je: It hurts a bit, but nothing that tea, lemon and honey can’t solve…

Farmacéutica 1: But is it dry?

Je: No! I don’t have cough.

Farmacéutica 1: But is it dry?

Farmacéutica 2: Elle a une gorge endolorie. (ou qualquer coisa do género)

Farmacéutica 1: Alright! Take this for the (gesto a indicar a garganta) and this for gesto a indicar o nariz). Garganta: um nebulizador tipo tantum verde. Nariz: tipo VicVapoSpray

Je: But I would like to have something for both: a pill, a table or another drug for my cold.

Farmacéutica 1: I can’t only give you these…

Je: Aspirine? Paracetamol? (e a meia-voz) Cêgripe…

Farmacéutica 1: No, I guess for your case, this is the best one…

Je (desolada): OK

Farmacéutica 1: It’s 5.49€.

Je: By the way, do you have a cream to put on my hurt nose?

Farmacéutica 1: Yes! Un moment, s'il vous plaît. It’s 10.97€ !


Je: Bye! Have a nice day!

Farmacéutica 1: Bye, a bonne journée...

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